A friend was struggling with this on their installation. They’d forgotten (and not written down) their install directory for WordPress. Here are two simple ways to find your WordPress directory and to find its wp-config.php file: ls /var/www That will show all of the WordPress sites installed for Apache, if your server is using the […]
Articles Tagged: wordpress

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How to Publish a Knowledge Base with WordPress – Authoring Your Website
[sc:khtutor][sc:khpreamble] Begin Authoring Your Website Writing Our First Knowledge Base Entry Wow! Finally, we’re ready to compose our first entry. Authoring content for your knowledge base is just like blogging in WordPress. Let’s start with an example SimpleStart article. “The topic of this article is How to Publish a Website”: Let’s begin by clicking +New Post or […]
How to Publish a Knowledge Base with WordPress – Installing Your Theme
[sc:khtutor][sc:khpreamble] Install the Theme Once you’ve purchased the KnowHow theme, you can download it from the Envato website. Note: If you purchased a ready made quick start setup from me, it’ll already be installed; however, you will be required to provide a proof of purchase from Envato before I share the image. Visit the Appearance -> Theme […]
How to Publish a Knowledge Base with WordPress – Installing Plugins
[sc:khpreamble] Install the Necessary Plugins [sc:khtutor]Let’s begin installing all WordPress plugins we’ll need to run our knowledge base website well. Note: If you purchased the readymade bundle from me, they’ll already be installed. From the Dashboard, hover over the left sidebar Plugins menu and select Add New. Then, install each of these in any order by typing the name […]

How to Publish a Knowledge Base on the Web with WordPress
Sharing Your Knowledge on the Web [sc:khtutor]If you’re an expert at something and have ever thought about sharing your knowledge about certain topics with others on the web, you may want to configure a community-oriented knowledge base website rather than a traditional blog. I’ve set up a handful of these and enjoy running them. They seem to […]
Even the CIA Needs WordPress Help Sometimes
It was fun to see someone at the Central Intelligence Agency benefiting from our WordPress tutorials!
Build a Mobile App for WordPress Using AppPresser
If you have a popular WordPress site, you might have wondered how hard it may be to build a mobile app for your subscribers and/or visitors. There are a number of ways to launch apps powered directly from your WordPress site without having to build an app from scratch. With a mobile app, you can […]
Estimating Costs for WordPress at Amazon AWS
Estimating Costs [sc:wpcloud]If you’re new to AWS, let me help you in estimating costs. Generally, you should be able to run your blog at AWS in their free usage tier for one year. After one year, it will cost about $14.64 per month. But, if you spend $62 up front on a reserved micro instance, […]
Installing WordPress at Digital Ocean on Ubuntu 14.04
Introduction Digital Ocean is an easy to use, economical hosting option with very fast performance. This tutorial describes how to install WordPress on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS at Digital Ocean in a way that can be optimized with Varnish and W3 Total Cache for optimal performance for only $5 monthly. You can even run multiple WordPress sites […]