Thank you for your purchase!

If you purchased a WordPress image, please begin by following the instructions below. If you purchased only a WordPress support package, then contact me when you are ready to ask questions. Contact me using this form at any time.

To get started with your package, follow these instructions:

1. Sign up for an account at Digital Ocean. Running the WordPress image will cost $5/mo. there or more if you decide on a larger droplet size. I recommend at least the $10/mo 1 GB memory droplet for the premium package with its multiple sites.

2. Email your account’s email address to so we can initiate a transfer to your Digital Ocean account.

3. Create a Droplet from the Image. Visit your Images page and click the icon to accept the transferred image. Then, click the Create Droplet button. Enter the domain or subdomain name you would like to use for your WordPress site as the hostname. Under the Select Images option, click the My Images tab and select the WordPress image. You must create a droplet in the same region as your image (which is SFO1 by default). If you wish, you can transfer it to another region before creating a droplet.

4. Create a Custom DNS A Record for Your Domain. When you receive the email from Digital Ocean with your new Droplet IP address, create a DNS A record for your domain pointing to the IP address ( e.g. A Do not try to login with the root account and password sent via email – it won’t work due to how this image is configured.

This will get you started. When I review your purchase, I’ll email you our guide to your new WordPress image.

Also, if you want to add a package of WordPress technical support beyond what you purchased. You can buy that below:
